Flight Information


Planning your departure from Dibrugarh Airport (DIB)? We've got you covered with real-time flight information on our departures page. Stay informed about the status of your departing flight effortlessly by using our user-friendly interface.

Our departures page is continuously updated in real time, providing you with the latest information at your fingertips. To simplify your search, take advantage of our filtering options. You can narrow down results by airline or time period, offering you a customized view of relevant departures. Alternatively, utilize the search box for a quick and direct lookup of your specific flight.

Once you've located your flight, access comprehensive details by clicking on the flight number or the [+] symbol next to the departure status. Uncover vital information such as scheduled and estimated departure times, potential delays, and the assigned gate number.

Our commitment is to make your travel experience as seamless as possible, and our real-time updates empower you with the information you need for a smooth departure. Whether you're a frequent traveler or embarking on your first journey, trust Dibrugarh Airport (DIB) to keep you informed and prepared. Safe travels!

Flight Number Flight Iata Airline Airport Departure Airport Arrival Airport Departure Time Arrival Time Terminal Status

For all enquiries about reservations, flights, baggage allocations or general enquiries, call +91(3)732382755. Please ensure that you refresh your screen for the most up to date information.